The driveway at the farmhouse that was built in 1910 by Dr. Elliot P. Joslin, pioneer in the control of diabetes.
"An 18-page letter to Dr. Joslin from John C. Olmsted, dated October 19, 1910, illustrates the considerable thought that was put into design of the entry drive and the character of the plantings around the house…
Olmsted wrote:
“Considering that it is your conception to treat the place primarily as a farm and to reduce the landscape gardening treatment that would require expense for maintenance irksome to a farmer at a minimum, it seems best that the approach drive…should be on a straight line so as to be obviously convenient and farmlike….
It will perhaps seem almost too utilitarian to have the drive without any shade trees so the hayfield would need to be sacrificed slightly in that regard.”
-Heritage Landscape Inventory, Oxford Reconnaissance Survey
I’d hardly call that a sacrifice.